Difference between revisions of "TGame"

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(Members: + CurrentMap)
(Members: +MapsList)
Line 132: Line 132:
| property [[TGame.CurrentMap|CurrentMap]]: string
| property [[TGame.CurrentMap|CurrentMap]]: string
| align="center" | R
| 2.7.8.b1
|-align="center" | R
| property [[TGame.MapsList|MapsList]]: [[TMapsList]]
| align="center" | R
| align="center" | R
| 2.7.8.b1
| 2.7.8.b1

Revision as of 09:00, 4 October 2014



Represents a game state and configuration.

This class is assigned to global variable "Game"
user constructable: NO
user destructable: NO


Member declaration Access mode SS Version
procedure Shutdown
procedure StartVoteKick(ID: Byte; Reason: string)
procedure StartVoteMap(Name: string)
procedure Restart
function LoadWeap(WeaponMod: string): Boolean
function LoadCon(ConfigFile: string): Boolean
function LoadList(MapsList: string): Boolean
procedure LobbyRegister
property GameStyle: Byte RW
property MaxPlayers: Byte RW
property NextMap: string R
property NumBots: Byte R
property NumPlayers: Byte R
property Spectators: Byte R
property ScoreLimit: Byte RW
property ServerIP: string R
property ServerName: string R
property ServerPort: Word R
property ServerVersion: string R
property ServerInfo: string R
property Gravity: Single RW
property Paused: Boolean RW
property RespawnTime: LongInt RW
property MinRespawnTime: LongInt RW
property MaxRespawnTime: LongInt RW
property MaxGrenades: Byte RW
property Bonus: Byte RW
property TimeLimit: LongInt RW
property TimeLeft: LongInt R
property FriendlyFire: Boolean RW
property Password: string RW
property VotePercent: Single RW
property Realistic: Boolean RW
property Survival: Boolean RW
property Advance: Boolean RW
property Balance: Boolean RW
property TickThreshold: LongInt RW
property Teams[ID: Byte]: TTeam R
property CurrentMap: string R 2.7.8.b1
property MapsList: TMapsList R 2.7.8.b1
property OnClockTick: TOnClockTickEvent RW
property OnJoin: TOnJoinGameEvent RW
property OnLeave: TOnLeaveGameEvent RW
property OnRequest: TOnRequestEvent RW
property OnAdminCommand: TOnAdminCommandEvent RW 2.7.8.b1
property OnTCPMessage: TOnTCPMessageEvent RW 2.7.8.b1
property OnAdminConnect: TOnAdminConnectEvent RW 2.7.8.b1
property OnAdminDisconnect: TOnAdminDisconnectEvent RW 2.7.8.b1