Soldat on macOS and Linux

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Running Soldat 1.7.1 on MacOS Tutorial


  1. Download PlayOnMac (Link).
  2. Launch and install the program.
  3. Inside PlayOnMac click Install a program, and search for Soldat. It'll automatically download SoldatSetup.exe from
  4. During the installation click next (do not configure anything on this step).
  5. Install to default path is C:\Soldat (do not change).
  6. You can now configure the game with Config.exe to the best options for your setup.
  7. Open Soldat only through PlayOnMac -interface instead of the automatically made desktop icon.


  • To remove mouse acceleration and make mouse feel "Windows-like" (Link).
  • To remove MacOS's "Shake mouse pointer to locate", go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Display and uncheck the Shake mouse pointer to locate box. [ ]
  • PlayOnMac' instructs to install XQuartz (instead of using X11), this might cause in-game lag.
  • To edit taunts.txt / soldat.ini to your personal preference, open PlayOnMac, secondary click on Soldat and select "Open the application's directory". This will open the Soldat directory.
The setup might not always be such straightforward, and Mac-specwise, Wine -version may need to be different in some cases. Making changes through PlayOnMac UI is rather simple and user-friendly.
  • Setup specifications used for this guide: