Trenchwar Domination

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script name: Trenchwar Domination script v0.2.3
original author: Avarax/version for 2.7.6 by dominikkk26
core version: 2.6.3/2.7.6

This script will display how much area of a TW map a team dominates and calculate a winner this way. Flaggrabs and scoring have a strong effect on the domination. The script also includes the possibility to lay a mine after having killed a set amount of people and it includes an adaption of EnEsCe's well known Airstrike script.

Features list
-Airstrike Interval
-Amount of kills needed to plant a mine
-Interval for dominance calculation and display
-How much terrain a single soldier can dominate (Maximum range, default is VERY high so areas between the frontlines and your base are also dominated and not wasted)
-Domination bonus on flaggrab and score
-Minimum distance of mines to flags
-Maximum duration of mines
-Colors of the script messages
Commands list(Admin)
/airstrike' calls an airstrike
/switch_domination' dis or enables domination calculation
/switch_mines' dis or enables mines
/switch_airstrike' dis or enables airstrikes
/showcells' shows how the map is divided up into domination cells

Download Links

Forum Download Link/version by dominikkk26

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