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function ReadDateTime(const Section, Ident: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime
 Section: Section name
 Ident: Property name (key)
 Default: Value used as a result when the key has not been found
 Result: Value of a key (if successful) or Default (if not)


This function will try to read a TDateTime value from specified section and key
If it fails to do so for some reason, the Default value is returned.
This function is very similar to ReadDate, however, it includes an hour.

Important: Result is a number of days that have passed since 1899-12-30 till date under the key in the ini file. 
Because of that, it's probably a good idea to use ReadString to read a clarified date.
You could also encode it using one of the available Functions


example.ini in soldatserver's root folder

Date2=2013-08-21 12:00:00
Date3=2013-08-21 13:48:00

script code:

  // assuming Sandboxed Level < 2
  PATH = 'example.ini';
  Ini: TIniFile;
  temp: TDateTime; // could as well be  temp: Double;

  Ini := File.CreateINI(PATH);
  temp := Ini.ReadDateTime('ModConfig','Date1',0); // temp = 41507.0
  temp := Ini.ReadDateTime('ModConfig','Date2',0); // temp = 41507.5
  temp := Ini.ReadDateTime('ModConfig','Date3',0); // temp = 41507.575