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From the Scripting Manual

procedure MovePlayer(ID: byte; X, Y: single);

Parameter Info:
 ID (Byte): Player ID of the target to be moved elsewhere.
 X (Single): X coordinate to be moved to.
 Y (Single): Y coordinate to be moved to.

 This function will move player(ID) to the specified location (X/Y) instantly.
 NOTE: This function will NOT work on bots - only players.


  Temp1, Temp2: string;
  BlueFlagX, BlueFlagY, RedFlagX, RedFlagY: single;
  // This function is Copyright© Nick Cooper - It is displayed here for illustration purposes ONLY
  // (Code taken from my multi-server script seen @ [eC] Trenchwars/Dodgeball/Climb)
  if Copy(uppercase(Text), 1, 6) = '/MOVE ' then begin
    try				// Usage: /move PlayerToMove TargetPlayer (or red/blue for flags)
      Temp1 := GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2); // Player to be moved
      Temp2 := GetPiece(Text, ' ', 3); // "PlayerToMove" will be moved to this player's position
      if (Temp2 = 'red') or (Temp2 = 'blue') then begin
        // If "TargetPlayer" is set to red/blue, "PlayerToMove" will be moved to the red/blue flag instead
        if GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp1), 'active') = true then begin
          GetFlagsSpawnXY(BlueFlagX, BlueFlagY, RedFlagX, RedFlagY);
          WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp1), 'name') + ' has been moved by ' + GetPlayerStat(ID, 'name'), RGB(255, 255, 255));
          // Player will now be moved to the red/blue flag!
          MovePlayer(strtoint(Temp1), iif(Temp2 = 'red', RedFlagX, BlueFlagX), iif(Temp2 = 'red', RedFlagY, BlueFlagY));
      end else
        if (GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp1), 'active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp2), 'active') = true) then begin
          WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp1), 'name') + ' has been moved by ' + GetPlayerStat(ID, 'name'), RGB(255, 255, 255));
          // Player will now be moved to the other player
          MovePlayer(strtoint(Temp1), GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp2), 'x'), GetPlayerStat(strtoint(Temp2), 'y'));
    // If theres an error with the admin's input, it wont show any errors. Just ignores the command.

// ph33r my skillz0r -EnEsCe

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