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A class holding all functions related to Math.

This class is assigned to global variable "Math"

user constructable: NO
user destructable:  NO


Member declaration
function Sin(A: Extended): Extended
function Cos(A: Extended): Extended
function Tan(A: Extended): Extended
function Cotan(A: Extended): Extended
function Pow(A, B: Extended): Extended
function LogN(A, B: Extended): Extended
function Ln(A: Extended): Extended
function ArcSin(A: Extended): Extended
function ArcCos(A: Extended): Extended
function ArcTan(A: Extended): Extended
function ArcCotan(A: Extended): Extended
function ArcTan(A,B: Extended): Extended
function Min(A, B: Extended): Extended
function Max(A, B: Extended): Extended
function Abs(A: Extended): Extended
function Exp(A: Extended): Extended
function Sign(A: Extended): Extended
function IsNan(A: Extended): Boolean
function Round(A: Extended): Integer
function RoundTo(A: Extended, B: TRoundToRange): Extended
function DegToRad(A: Extended): Extended
function RadToDeg(A: Extended): Extended
function DegNormalize(A: Extended): Extended
function InRange(const A, B, C: Double): Boolean
function EnsureRange(const AValue, AMin, AMax: Double): Double
function Random(Min, Max: Extended): Extended
property TMath.E: Extended
property TMath.Pi: Extended