Smart Spawn

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script name: Smart Spawn
original author: Curt
core version: 2.7.5 SC3


Are you sick of being a lonely player in a server running around trying to find your team mates since you respawned far away? Are you tired of being bullied around by your enemies because you spawned right on top of them? Good news everyone who answered yes to either of these questions! Now there is the Smart Spawn script for Soldat! It is designed such that you respawn close to your friendly team mates, and away from those mean enemies. Let's take a look at what this means.

Video Presentation
YouTube - Script in Action
YouTube - Script in ctf_Kampf Map

This script comes with another sub-script called the Spawn Merger that makes Smart Spawn a little better and more useful. What this does is it creates new spawn points on top of existing spawn points for the other teams. Many maps are designed such that teams spawn purposefully in certain locations, where different 'corners' of the map are for different teams. This behavior is not desired for use of the Smart Spawn because it is limiting where players can spawn. Thus why I came up with the Smart Spawn script. It can be clearly seen in action in the first video above of ctf_Kampf where both alpha and bravo teams are spawning on both sides of the map.

Features list
- Smart Spawn modifies spawn points on the server throughout the game such that players are more likely to spawn close to their allies, and less likely to spawn close to their enemies.
- Easy config.ini where you can sett all options
- Possible to modify or replace the default spawn probability calculation formula

Download Links

Forum Download Link

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