M79 Coop Climb

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script name: M79 Coop Climb
original author: Squiddy/As de Espada
core version: 2.7.5(Need confirmation if it work with latest Script Core)

It is very similar to original M79 Climb. What changes is that you have a partner, and you both have to help each other to get to the flags.

For those who don't know how M79 Climb works, it is basically the following: you have inifinite grenades and two flamers that shoot M79 bullets. Using the explosions, you must pass :the customized map to get to the flags and thus finish the map.

How does the partner thing work?
After choosing your partner, each of you will randomly join a team. In the map there are certain polygons that can only be hit by your partner, and certain polygons that only you can pass. At the end of the map, there are two flags (one for each of you). Each partner must capture their respective flag to finish the map.
How do I choose my partner?
At the beginning of all maps, all players go to a "waiting room". They can only get through that room by forming a partnership. To choose a partner, you must type !Buddy <fragment of player's name>. With that command, an invitation is sent to the chosen player, who has to answer it with one of the following commands: !Yes or !No. Obviously, !Yes confirms the partnership and !No declines. By accepting the partnership, both players are moved outside the room and each one randomly joins a team. Then the game starts for them.
Additional Info
You need to modify your weapons.ini in server. Replace Both Weapons:

[M79] Damage=0 FireInterval=6 Ammo=1 ReloadTime=180 Speed=110 Bulletstyle=4 StartUpTime=0 Bink=25 MovementAcc=3

[Flamer] Damage=0 FireInterval=6 Ammo=1 ReloadTime=180 Speed=110 Bulletstyle=4 StartUpTime=0 Bink=25 MovementAcc=3

Video Presentation
YouTube-M79 Coop Climb

Download Links

Script: Forum Download Link
MapPack: Forum Download Link

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