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Latest revision as of 22:58, 23 August 2012

Variables (Notes in parenthesis) VarType SizeOf (possible formula) Can set as variant? Variant implicit string Variant implicit integer Variant implicit float Range (if applicable)
variant (unassigned) 0 16 yes 0 incomplete Check table category "Can set as variant?"
variant <null> 1 16 yes exception exception incomplete
smallint (sint16) 2 2 yes 0 incomplete incomplete -32768 to 32767
integer, longint (sint32) 3 4 yes 0 incomplete incomplete -2147483648 to 2147483647
single (fp32) 5 4 yes 0 0 incomplete (7 significant digits), INF, -INF
double (fp64) 5 8 yes 0 0 incomplete (15 significant digits), INF, -INF
extended (fp80) 5 10 yes 0 incomplete incomplete 1E-38 to 1E+38 (19 significant digits), INF, -INF
WideChar 8 2 yes exception incomplete
WideString 8 4 yes incomplete incomplete
IDispatch 9 4 yes exception exception incomplete
boolean 11 1 yes False 0 incomplete true, false
shortint (sint8) 16 1 yes 0 incomplete incomplete -128 to 127
byte (uint8) 17 1 yes 0 incomplete incomplete 0 to 255
enum 17 1 yes 0 0 incomplete min >= 1; max <= unknown (at least 65536 compiles)
TIFException 17 1 yes 0 0 incomplete Cannot set as an integer
word, TVarType (uint16) 18 2 yes 0 0 incomplete 0 to 65535
cardinal, longword (uint32) 19 4 yes 0 incomplete incomplete 0 to 4294967295
LongBool 19 4
Int64 (sint64) 20 8 yes 0 incomplete incomplete
char 256 1 yes <#000> exception incomplete ASCII character set
string 256 4 yes incomplete incomplete length from 0 to 1541210095
array of <type> 8204 4 yes exception exception incomplete length from -7 to 1074241824 (2^30)
array[min..max] of <type> exception varies; (max-min)*sizeof(type) no exception exception exception max-min <= 536870910 (2^29-2)
set of <byte/char> exception 32 no exception exception exception
set of <boolean/enum> exception 1 no exception exception exception
record exception varies; sum of sizeof all content no exception exception exception
IUnknown exception 4 no exception exception exception
___Pointer exception exception no
function: <type>, procedure exception 12 no exception exception exception
PChar access violation 4

Refer to http://devs.soldat.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Implicit_Conversions for a list of types that can implicitly convert to another.

TStringArray TVariantArray