Default Maps
The default maps of Soldat are the map poll which is originally featured in a clean installation of Soldat. CTF, HTF & INF have their unique style of maps, while DM, TDM, RM, PM share the same map-poll.
Deathmatch, Teammatch, Rambomatch & Pointmatch Maps
Aero, Airpirates, Arena, Arena2, Arena3, Bigfalls, Blox, Bridge, Bunker, Cambodia, CrackedBoot, Daybreak, DesertWind, Factory, Flashback, HH, Island2k5, Jungle, Krab, Lagrange, Leaf, MrSnowman, RatCave, Rok, RR, Shau, Tropiccave, Unlim, Veoto
Capture the Flag Maps
ctf_Ash, ctf_B2b, ctf_Blade, ctf_Campeche, ctf_Cobra, ctf_Crucifix, ctf_Death, ctf_Division, ctf_Dropdown, ctf_Equinox, ctf_Guardian, ctf_Hormone, ctf_IceBeam, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Lanubya, ctf_Laos, ctf_Maya, ctf_Mayapan, ctf_MFM, ctf_Nuubia, ctf_Raspberry, ctf_Rotten, ctf_Ruins, ctf_Run, ctf_Scorpion, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Steel, ctf_Triumph, ctf_Viet, ctf_Voland, ctf_Wretch, ctf_X
Hold the Flag Maps
htf_Arch, htf_Baire, htf_Boxed, htf_Desert, htf_Dorothy, htf_Dusk, htf_Erbium, htf_Feast, htf_Mossy, htf_Muygen, htf_Niall, htf_Nuclear htf_Prison, htf_Rubik, htf_Star, htf_Tower, htf_Void, htf_Vortex, htf_Zajacz
Infiltration Maps
inf_Abel, inf_April, inf_Argy, inf_Belltower, inf_Biologic, inf_Changeling, inf_Flute, inf_Fortress, inf_Industrial, inf_Messner, inf_Moonshine, inf_Motheaten, inf_Outpost, inf_Rescue, inf_Rise, inf_Warehouse, inf_Warlock