Command line arguments
When running your server from the command line, you can take advantage of what is known as command line arguments. This is, basically, sending data to the binary on-the-fly from the interpreter (shell), such as MS-DOS or bash.
Usage: ./soldatserver -d
Starts your server as a Daemon (runs in the background, even when you log off). Linux only.
Usage: ./soldatserver -pid
Sets the Process ID file name. Located in the /logs/ folder ( by default).
Usage: ./soldatserver -m xx.txt
Sets the default mapslist file to xx.txt (mapslist.txt by default).
Usage: ./soldatserver -c x.ini
Sets the default configuration file to x.ini (Soldat.ini by default).
Usage: ./soldatserver -p 23073
Start the server on a specific port.
Usage: ./soldatserver -l 12
Limits the number of players that can join the server.
Usage: ./soldatserver -k "my clan only"
Sets a password that will be required by anyone who tries to join.
Usage: ./soldatserver -b ""
Binds the server to a specific IP Address. Use with caution! You cannot bind to an IP that isn't assigned to your network card!
Usage: ./soldatserver -a #
Enable/Disable All-Seeing Eye registration. #: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
Usage: ./soldatserver -s #
Enable/Disable the SoldatServer Scripting Engine. #: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
Usage: ./soldatserver -safe #
Enable/Disable Safe Mode for Scripts (On by default). #: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
Usage: ./soldatserver -lock #
Enable/Disable Locked Mode (Off by default). When Locked Mode is enabled, admins will not be able to type /loadcon, /password or /maxplayers. #: 1 = enabled, 0 = disable$
Usage: ./soldatserver -disallow "GetURL,ReadFile"
Disable certain script functions from being used by scripts. Note that this will cause any scripts that use these functions to crash with an "unknown identifier GetURL" error.
Usage: ./soldatserver -d #
Enable/Disable Debug Mode (See Debug_Mode in soldat.ini).
#: 0 = No Debug, 1 = Lobby Debug, 2 = Advanced Debug, 3 = Script Core Debug
If you find a bug and report it, please use Debug Mode 2. It helps us alot.
Usage: ./soldatserver -ns
Set the Nameserver your Soldat Server will use to resolve the Lobby DNS. Only use this if you know what you are doing! The server should automatically detect what Nameserver your computer uses!
Usage: ./soldatserver -ls #
Set the maximum number of scripts which can be loaded by this server.