Punishments on HWID

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script name: Punishments on HWID
original author: Mighty
core version: 2.7.5(need reference if work with 2.7.6)

Script allows to punish a player in a specified way for specific amount of time. It has support for server crashes, instead of duration it checks if the expire date have passed.

/punishlist <snip> and /details X are now available for every player

Punishment Type Description
ban - it doesn't really ban a player, but kicks him when spotted
gmute - makes it unable for player to speak
spec - automatically sends player to spec each time he wants to join other team
disarm - makes it unable for player to use weapons (except nades)
Commands list
/punish <ID> <type>
/punishhwid <HWID> <type> <time> <reason>
/unpunish <PID>
/punishlist <part of player name>
/details <PID>
Note: <PID> - ID of Player that have punishment

Download Links

Forum Download Link
Old SanctionsGUID1.02

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